I specialize in C#, Unity, and Web Development

After building indie games in high school, and speaking about EdTech around the country, I built SceneForge Studio, an all-in-one Virtual Production platform.
I dropped out of college to pursue SceneForge full time, and was accepted into 1517 Fund's Invisible College.

Two years later, SceneForge was acquired by Vu Technologies for their Virtual Studio Platform, and that's where I've been since!


Work experience

2019 - Present

SceneForge Studio


Jan. 2021 - Mar. 2021


Freelance Software Development

Sulam Investments

Website + Graphic Design

June. 2018 - June. 2020

The Frisch School, 

Camp Kef,

Yeshivat Noam

Game Design, Coding, and Filmmaking Instructor


Sept. 2015 - June 2019

The Frisch School

Sept. 2020 - July 2020

Parsons School of Design

May. 2019 - Jan. 2023

1517 Fund's Invisible College

Awards and Acomplishments

Worked on Virtual Reality game Welcome to Graymount - 2019-2020